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How to Manage Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Chickens

How to Manage Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Chickens

Avian influenza, or bird flu, poses a significant risk to poultry keepers in the United Kingdom. Protecting your flock means following strict biosecurity measures, maintaining clean housing, and staying informed about local outbreaks. Here’s how you can protect your chickens.

Limit Contact with Wild Birds

Wild birds are the primary carriers of bird flu in the UK. Preventing their access to your chickens is a key part of reducing infection.

  • Covered runs: Use covered runs or wire mesh to stop wild birds, such as pigeons and waterfowl, from entering the chicken run.
  • Feed and water placement: Place feeders and waterers inside the coop or a covered area to avoid attracting wild birds.
  • Seal entry points: Inspect and seal any gaps where birds could enter the coop or run.

Securing your chicken area reduces the likelihood of wild birds spreading the disease to your flock.

Maintain Clean Housing and Equipment

Good hygiene is vital in protecting chickens from avian influenza and other diseases.

  • Regular cleaning: Remove droppings, soiled bedding, and uneaten feed daily. Deep-clean the coop and run at least once a month.
  • Disinfect equipment: Regularly clean feeders, drinkers, and tools using poultry-safe disinfectants.
  • Keep the coop dry: Ensure proper drainage and ventilation to prevent damp conditions where viruses can thrive.

Clean and well-maintained chicken coops provide a healthier environment for your flock, reducing the spread of infections.

Control Human Movement and Access

People can unknowingly carry avian influenza on their shoes, clothes, or equipment. Limiting access and following biosecurity protocols protects your birds.

  • Foot dips: Place disinfectant footbaths at the entrance to the chicken area.
  • Change clothing: Wear dedicated footwear and clothing when working with your chickens.
  • Restrict visitors: Only allow essential visitors, and ensure they follow biosecurity measures.

Carefully managing human movement on your property helps prevent external contamination.

Monitor Your Chickens for Signs of Illness

Early detection is key to controlling the spread of avian influenza.

  • Look for symptoms: Be aware of signs such as lethargy, reduced appetite, sneezing, coughing, or a sudden drop in egg production.
  • Separate sick birds: Quarantine any chicken showing signs of illness to prevent contact with the rest of the flock.
  • Consult a vet: Contact your vet or call the DEFRA helpline immediately if you suspect bird flu or notice unusual behaviour in your flock.

Be aware and act quickly. It can save your flock and prevent the disease from spreading to nearby poultry farms.

Stay Informed About Outbreaks Nearby

The UK government closely monitors avian influenza cases. Staying up to date allows you to adjust your biosecurity measures as needed.

  • Check DEFRA updates: Regularly check DEFRA’s website or subscribe to alerts about local outbreaks.
  • Register your flock: Since October 2024, it's mandatory to register your flock with DEFRA. This used to be optional for flocks under 50.

With proactive biosecurity measures, regular cleaning, and quick action, you can protect your flock from avian influenza and help safeguard poultry farms across the UK.

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